Day 1

5:00 warmup / stretch

LW-shoulder workout (DB) 5 lb dumbbells

Running and Leg PT:

 Repeat 4-5 times
run 5:00 at goal mile pace
squats - 1:00
lunges - 1:00
flutterkicks – 1:00

Sprints – build up to full speed. 

20m - 1/2 pace x  2
20m - full sprint x 3
40m - 3/4 pace  x 2
40m - full sprint x 3
60m - full sprint x 5
80m - full sprint x 3
100m-full sprint x 3
(rest = walk back to starting line)

 LifeCycle Pyramid

 Lowerback Plan

Day 2

5:00 warmup / stretch


  Repeat 3 times
Pullup –max
Pushups – 40-50
reverse pushups - 20
dips - 20
pulldowns – 10,10,10
(close, reg, rev grip)
abs of choice - 30
wide pushups – 20
Tri pushups – 10
½ mile run - fast

Dumbbell workout

Super Set x 2
military – 10,15
bicep curls -10,15
tri ext - 10,15



Lowerback Plan

Day 3

5:00 warmup / stretch

LW-shoulder workout (DB) 5 lb dumbbells

4 Mile Track Workout
Jog - 1 mile in your goal mile pace
    Three sets of:
Sprint-1/4 mile / walk 1:00   
 Jog - 1/4 mile in goal mile pace
       Six sets of:
Sprint-1/8 mile walk -  45 seconds
Jog - 1/8 mile 1:00 in goal mile pace

 Ab workout 2x’s
Regular Crunch- 50
Flutterkicks – 50
Leg levers - 50
Reverse Crunch- 25

Double crunch – 25

 Lowerback Plan

Day 4

5:00 warmup / stretch

PT  - repeat 10 times
Pullups – max reps
Variety Pushups - 25
reverse pushups – 20
birds - 20

 1 mile easy jog / stretch legs well:

50m at 50% sprint pace x 3
100m sprint
walk back to start
200m sprint
walk back to start
300m sprint
walk back to start
400m sprint
repeat in reverse order

 Cardio option:

20:00 of bike, elliptical, swim, or run 

Lowerback Plan

Day 5

5:00 warmup / stretch

LW-shoulder workout (DB) 5 lb dumbbells

Running and Leg PT:

Repeat 4-5 times

run 5:00 at goal mile pace
squats - 1:00
lunges - 1:00
stretch 1:00

Sprints – build up to full speed. 

20m - 1/2 pace x  2
20m - full sprint x 3
40m - 3/4 pace  x 2
40m - full sprint x 3
60m - full sprint x 5
80m - full sprint x 3
100m-full sprint x 3
(rest = walk back to starting line)

Ab workout 2x’s
Regular Crunch- 50
Rt Elbow Lft Knee - 25
Lt ElbowRht Knee - 25
Reverse Crunch- 25
Double crunch – 25

 run 2-3 mile run or bike 20:00

 Lowerback Plan

Day 6  / Day 7

 Get at least 5 workouts in 7 days 

Make up Day or Rest Day 

Optional Workout:

 Dips max
Pullups - max
Pushups – max:  how many reps can you get in 5 sets non stop and resting only with 50 abs of choice…

Goal 100 pullups, 100 dips, 200 pushups

Ie – crunches
Leg levers

Easy pace run 2-3miles