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How to Ace the PFT? Succeed by Failing? The new Army calculator is located here:
This week, I sent several
emails to people seeking to ace their ARMY physical fitness
tests for both bootcamp and OCS. In my closing, I always remind people
not to give up and that they will "succeed by failing." Some people get it and
understand that to improve with pushups, pull-ups, situps, and other
high-repetition calisthenics testing exercises, you have to push yourself until
you can't do any more reps. Then, you can try a few more of the easier versions
like knee pushups, assisted pull-ups or negatives, and crunches respectively.
If you do this five times, you will have done 150 pushups and
abdominal exercises in less than 15 minutes! Now that's a good
foundation-building workout. You'll reach failure no matter who you are, only if
you continue this workout for 10-15 times. When you reach failure and your goal
is to reach five sets, go to your knees for pushups if you have to. That is what
I mean when I say, "succeed by failing."
The repetition
goal above is to be done in as few sets as possible - alternating from
one exercise to the next. The only rest you receive is when you workout the
other muscle groups and moving from exercise to exercise. If you are not on that
level of endurance, set your goals for half of that or even a tenth. Everyone
fails at this workout -- even the most fit people I know. Try it -- you will get
stronger by pushing yourself to failure once in a while. Here is the best methods to prepare for any Army PFT - Stew Smith eBooks Have any fitness questions? Send them to me at For immediate access to the Workout, click the link here: The Army OCS and PFT WorkoutThanks for the e-mails. Keep them coming at
Stew Smith is a former Navy SEAL and fitness author
certified as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the National
Strength and Conditioning Association. If you are interested in starting a
workout program to create a healthy lifestyle - check out the
Fitness eBook store and the |